Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Farewell

My farewell was just wonderful! I had so many family members and friends who came to support me. I really felt the love, and it was so nice to see everyone before I leave.
Speaking in sacrament meeting was especially great because my mom had been asked to speak in sacrament meeting the same day, so things ended up that my mom got to speak with me the day of my farewell. Although I know it caused her stress to prepare a talk and speak in front of everyone, I am so thankful that she did. It made the day that much more special for me. My dad sat right in the front of all the rows filled with my loved ones, and just cried. He's such a cutie! ;) The three of us all got emotional. For my mom and me, it's not very common for us to cry in church, but we both ended up crying, during our own talks, as well as during each other's. The Spirit was so strong and it was just a really special day. I got so many compliments and thank yous for my talk. I shared a couple personal experiences that are very close to my heart, and it was a little tough for me, but I felt that's what I needed to do. More than one person told me thank you for sharing something so personal.
Oh, and my mom spoke on "Turning Adversity into Positive Experiences", and my topic was "Drawing Closer to God".
Here is a copy of my talk, for anyone who may be interested in reading it:

This is just for personal use. Please don't claim it as your own. It's very personal to me. :)

After our talks, we met for a luncheon. We had Cafe Rio-style salads and fruit pizza for dessert! It was so delicious! Everyone who helped out did such an amazing job, and I appreciate each one of you so very much.
Here are a bunch of photos from my farewell! Enjoy!

 Me and Maddy
 Cousins and Granddad
Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins
 Me, Sister Stanley :)
 Family and Friends
 Most Wonderful Parents in the World!!
 My Daddy giving a little speech, and tearing up
 Lottie and Me
 Grandma and Uncle Dee getting dessert ready
 Fun conversation
 Me and Lori
 Getting yummy food
 Delicious food, enjoyed by everyone
 Eating in the sunroom
 Shaylee, Me, and Maddy
 Ice-cold water
 Me with Cousins and Aunts
 Me and Marcy

Thank you everyone for showing your love and support, and for making my day so special and memorable!
I love you all so much!
--Sister Chynna Ann Stanley

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